This is a private website blog about our Sevilla HOA community that is not sanctioned by the Sevilla Homeowners Association. It is intended to inform Sevilla homeowners regarding the governance of our community, their rights as homeowner members, and advice on self-advocacy.
Legal Rights of HOA Homeowners to Use Social Media to Discuss Issues Critical of the Association
California Civil Code 4515, which became effective on January 1, 2023, allows an HOA member to use social media to discuss issues of concern to members and residents regarding the HOA. This law allows members to criticize the association without retaliation from the HOA.
Legal Rights of HOA Homeowners to Electronic Delivery of General Notices Including Agendas
How do homebound, disabled, and absentee homeowners get access to HOA general notices including agendas? Currently, a homeowner has to walk to the community pool and read the notices and agendas that are posted in the glass kiosk. Ok, but what if you are confined to wheelchair or you live in New York, Georgia or even Burbank for that matter! Unbeknownst to many Sevilla Homeowners, they are entitled to request and receive all general notices by electronic means unless the notice is required by law to be sent by mail. For most homeowners that would be via email. How nice would it be to receive a board meeting agenda before the date of the board meeting. Under California Civil Codes 4045, if “a member requests general notices by individual delivery, all general notices to that member shall be delivered pursuant to Civil Code 4040” which “requires that an association deliver a document by ‘individual delivery’ or ‘individual notice’, the document shall be delivered by one of the following methods: email, facsimile, or other electronic means, if the recipient has consented, in writing or by email, to that method of delivery.
Sevilla HOA Blog Website
Communication and transparency are still issues with the current Sevilla Board of Directors as homeowners have not been adequately informed about board agendas, board meeting locations, board decisions, a board composition that has no elected board directors, board election process failures, and lawsuits. Board Director accountability and fiduciary responsibility should be a priority as our homeowners association moves forward. Hopefully this blog will provide a homeowner centered voice to make the Board of Directors more transparent and accountable to the members of the Sevilla HOA.
Check-In Frequently
The Sevilla HOA Blog Website will be updated Bi-Weekly